You’ve come to this website because you’re curious about God, about
Peace, and about whether this community might be a good fit for you.
We invite you to explore this website, our Facebook page, and
contact us with any questions. We look forward to joining in worship
with you!
Hope in Ministry 2025 is Grace Upon Grace Updated Office Hours: 9:30am to 1:00pm Noisy Coin Offering for March - Reducing School Lunch Debt
Drop your spare change into the tin coffee can to help benefit our In the Neighborhood Ministries Worship at Innisfree at 2pm
March 25th Lenten Midweek Worship at 7pm - - -Holden Evening Prayer
Wednesdays - Match 26th The Sole & Soul Club
Walking/HIking at Bella Vista 'The Back 40-Blowing Springs North Trailhead
Saturday March 22nd at 9am Pub Theology
Ozark Beer Company
Sunday March 23rd from 4pm to 5pm We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) www.elca.org Weekly Worship:
Saturday 5pm - in-person
Sunday 9am - in-person & onlineSunday School & Adult Sunday Study
10:15am to 11:15am All ages are welcome to learn more about God, the Bible, and Faith!
Wednesday Confirmation/Affirmation of Baptism Study 4:15ish to 5:15ish
Grades 7th through 10thView all past services in one place
The Peace Food Pantry and Family Clothing Closet are open Mondays from 1-3pm. The food pantry offers drive-through service. Please join the line in our parking lot and one of our volunteers will come to your car for check-in. Those walking or riding bikes can come to the open door to be served. First time clients will be asked to fill out a registration form.
The clothing closet offers a variety of clothing options for the family. Ask a volunteer for assitance. All are welcome.
Looking to securely Tithe? Thank you for your generous support of the ministries at Peace Lutheran Church!